Free online HTTP REST API testing tool

Test your HTTP REST APIs for free


Our free online HTTP REST API testing tool is designed to help you test and debug your API endpoints easily. Simply enter your REST request parameters, click send, and wait for the results to appear. Our tool supports all HTTP methods and provides detailed feedback on your API responses, making it a must-have tool for developers and QA engineers. Try it out today and start testing your APIs like a pro!

Free online HTTP REST API testing tool


A free online HTTP REST API testing tool is a simple and easy-to-use tool that allows developers to test their APIs without the need for any installation. This tool can be used to test different types of APIs like REST, SOAP, and GraphQL. With this tool, developers can quickly check their APIs for any bugs or errors and ensure that they are working correctly. The tool also provides detailed information about the API response, making it easier for developers to debug any issues.

Step-by-step guide to use Free online HTTP REST API testing tool to test your API

Using the Tool

Using this tool is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following the steps outlined below, users can quickly and efficiently send requests and receive responses from API endpoints.

Step 1: Enter the API Endpoint URL

The first step in using this tool is to enter the API endpoint URL in the 'Request URL' field. This is the URL that corresponds to the API endpoint that you want to access. It should be entered in the format specified by the API documentation.

Step 2: Choose the HTTP Method

Once the API endpoint URL has been entered, users must choose the HTTP method they want to use from the dropdown list. The available options include GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and others, depending on the API being accessed.

Step 3: Enter Request Parameters

After selecting the HTTP method, users must enter any necessary request parameters in the 'Request Parameters' field. These parameters can include things like query strings, headers, and body data, depending on the API being accessed.

Step 4: Send the Request

Once all necessary information has been entered, users can click the 'Send' button to send the request to the API endpoint. The tool will then wait for a response from the API.

Step 5: Wait for the API Response

After sending the request, users must wait for the API response to appear in the 'Response' field. This response will typically include information about the success or failure of the request, as well as any data returned by the API.

Step 6: Check for Errors or Bugs

Once the API response has been received, users should carefully review it for any errors or bugs. These can include things like missing data, incorrect formatting, or other issues that could impact the functionality of the API.

Step 7: Debug Any Issues

If any issues or errors are found in the API response, users must take steps to debug and resolve them. This may involve revising the request parameters, adjusting the HTTP method used, or making other changes to the request. By carefully debugging any issues that arise, users can ensure that they are able to successfully access and utilize the API endpoint.

Alternative methods to test your API

Using a command-line tool like cURL or HTTPie

One of the most popular ways to test an API is by using a command-line tool like cURL or HTTPie. These tools allow you to send HTTP requests directly from your terminal, making it easy to test your API without the need for a graphical user interface. cURL is a command-line tool that is widely used for testing APIs. It supports a wide range of protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, and more. With cURL, you can send HTTP requests with various methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more. HTTPie is another command-line tool that is similar to cURL but with a more user-friendly interface. It is built on top of the requests library in Python and provides a simple syntax for sending HTTP requests. HTTPie supports various HTTP methods, authentication, and data formats like JSON and XML. Using a command-line tool like cURL or HTTPie can be an efficient way to test your API, especially when you need to automate your API testing. However, it requires some technical knowledge and familiarity with the command-line interface.

Using a browser extension like Postman or RESTClient

Another way to test your API is by using a browser extension like Postman or RESTClient. These extensions provide a graphical user interface that allows you to send HTTP requests and view the responses. Postman is a popular browser extension that is widely used for testing APIs. It provides a user-friendly interface for sending HTTP requests with various methods, headers, and parameters. With Postman, you can also save your requests and organize them into collections for easy reuse. RESTClient is another browser extension that provides a simple interface for testing APIs. It supports various HTTP methods, headers, and parameters, and allows you to view the responses in various formats like JSON, XML, and more. Using a browser extension like Postman or RESTClient can be a convenient way to test your API, especially when you need to test your API interactively. However, it requires installing a browser extension and may not be suitable for automated testing.

Writing your own code to test the API

If you have programming skills, you can also write your own code to test the API. This approach allows you to customize your tests and integrate them into your development workflow. You can use various programming languages and libraries to write your API tests. For example, you can use Python with requests library, Java with Apache HttpClient, or Ruby with RestClient. Writing your own code to test the API can be a powerful way to test your API, especially when you need to test complex scenarios or integrate your tests into your existing codebase. However, it requires programming skills and may take more time to set up compared to other methods.


In conclusion, a free online HTTP REST API testing tool is an essential tool for developers to test their APIs quickly and efficiently. With this tool, developers can ensure that their APIs are working correctly and debug any issues that may arise. However, there are also alternative methods to test your API, and developers can choose the method that suits them best. Regardless of the method used, testing your API is crucial to ensure that it works as expected and provides a good user experience.

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