Remove duplicate rows based on one column and keep the first row


Say goodbye to tedious manual work in Excel! With our online tool, you can quickly remove duplicates based on a single column and keep only the first unique row. No more complicated formulas or VBA scripts to deal with. Just upload your file with a single click and let us do the rest. And don't worry about the size of your file or your laptop's hardware - we've got you covered. Give it a try and simplify your Excel tasks today!

Remove duplicate rows based on one column and keep the first row

Remove duplicate rows based on one column and keep the first row in Excel

At times, you may come across an Excel file where certain columns contain duplicate values. In order to effectively work with your file, it is necessary to remove the rows with duplicate values in a specific column and only retain the first instance.

How to remove duplicate rows based on one column and keep the first row in Excel using Quicktran?

  • Upload your Excel file.
  • Choose the column you want to remove duplicate.
  • Click the Remove button.
  • Download the file after removal completion

How to remove duplicate rows based on one column and keep the first row in Excel?

To remove duplicate rows based on one column and keep the first row in Excel, you can use a combination of formulas and filters. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Select the data that you want to deduplicate.
  • Go to the "Data" tab and click on the "Remove Duplicates" button.
  • In the "Remove Duplicates" dialog box, select the column that you want to deduplicate based on and click "OK"
  • Excel will remove the duplicate rows and keep the first instance of each unique value in the selected column

Note: If you only want to remove duplicates based on specific criteria, you can use the SUMPRODUCT formula or the Advanced Filter feature.

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