Use Mode Formula in Excel

Learn All You Need To Know About Mode Formula in Excel


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Using Mode Formula in Excel

Using Mode Formula in Excel


Mode is a statistical measure that tells you the most frequently occurring number in a given set of numbers. Mode Formula in Excel is used to calculate the most frequently occurring value in a given range. Excel has two functions to calculate the mode, which are MODE.SNGL and MODE.MULT. MODE.SNGL is used to calculate the single mode of a data set, while MODE.MULT is used to calculate the multiple modes of a data set. In this article, we will discuss how to use the Mode Formula in Excel.

Step-by-step Guide to Use Mode Formula in Excel

Using Mode Formula in Excel


Mode formula is a statistical function used to calculate the most frequently occurring number within a given dataset. It is a useful tool for finding the most common value in a set of data. In Excel, the mode formula can be used to quickly and easily calculate the mode of a dataset.

Using Mode Formula in Excel

Using the mode formula in Excel is a simple process. First, enter the data into a spreadsheet. Then, select the range of cells that contain the data. Next, enter the formula in a blank cell. The formula for MODE.SNGL is =MODE.SNGL(range) and the formula for MODE.MULT is =MODE.MULT(range). Finally, press Enter to get the result.

Step 1: Enter Data into a Spreadsheet

The first step in using the mode formula in Excel is to enter the data into a spreadsheet. This can be done by typing the data into the cells or by copying and pasting data from another source.

Step 2: Select the Range of Cells

Once the data has been entered into the spreadsheet, select the range of cells that contain the data. This can be done by clicking and dragging the mouse over the cells or by entering the range of cells into the formula bar.

Step 3: Enter the Formula

Once the range of cells has been selected, enter the formula in a blank cell. The formula for MODE.SNGL is =MODE.SNGL(range) and the formula for MODE.MULT is =MODE.MULT(range).

Step 4: Press Enter

Finally, press Enter to get the result. The result will be the most frequently occurring number in the dataset.

Alternative Methods to Calculate Mode in Excel

Calculating the Mode in Excel

Using the COUNTIF Function

The COUNTIF function is one of the simplest methods for calculating the mode in Excel. This function counts the number of times a value appears in a given range. To use this function, first select a range of cells that contains the data you want to analyze. Then enter the following formula into the cell you want to display the mode: =COUNTIF(range, value). Replace "range" with the range of cells you selected, and "value" with the value you want to count.

Using the Pivot Table

The Pivot Table is a powerful tool that can be used to calculate the mode of a data set. To use this tool, first select the range of cells that contains the data you want to analyze. Then go to the Insert tab and select Pivot Table. This will open a new window where you can create a Pivot Table. Once you have created the table, you can use the Count of Values field to calculate the mode.

Using the MODE.SNGL and MODE.MULT Functions

The MODE.SNGL and MODE.MULT functions can be used in combination with the IF and MAX functions to calculate the mode of a data set. To use these functions, first select a range of cells that contains the data you want to analyze. Then enter the following formula into the cell you want to display the mode: =IF(MODE.SNGL(range)=MAX(range), MODE.SNGL(range), MODE.MULT(range)). Replace "range" with the range of cells you selected. This formula will calculate the mode of the data set.


Mode Formula in Excel is a powerful tool that can be used to calculate the most frequently occurring value in a given range. This formula is easy to use and can be used to quickly find the mode of a data set. There are also several alternative methods to calculate the mode in Excel, such as using the COUNTIF function, Pivot Table, and MODE.SNGL and MODE.MULT functions in combination with the IF and MAX functions.

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